The gardening club has been expanding their focus this year.
They have made a purchase that is something that everyone can view from all around the school:, a green house.
To raise money, they have been making homemade products to share and sell to people
Dana Carr, who is in charge of the Landscaping Club explains, “The Landscape and Gardening Club recently made lavender soap and lavender sackets” using lavender picked from the WHS gardens. The club also made balsam fir candles using fir branches from the school property.
Carr says, “it’s located in the courtyard and in the spring, we are going to grow plants and vegetables from seed.”
To touch up and clean the greenery around our school, Carr explains the upcoming plans, “We are also going to weed and beautify the garden beds around the entrances of the school, including the Courtyard”.
Their next project is to showcase and utilize the green house.
Liliana Bordner, a student who participates in the club says, “it gets me to be physically active outside of school and my sports.”
She explains that it helps her connect with people who she would not normally interact with at school.
It is her third year in the club and her favorite thing is being able to go out and garden around campus and help the school look better.
“It has made me grow an interest I never knew I would have,” Liliana explains.
They meet in Ms. Agins’s room. In the warmer months, they meet every week (Fridays or Tuesdays…or whatever day works best for the students to work outside (mulching, weeding. etc., but in colder months they mostly meet once a week until the Vendor Fair, making candles, soaps, wreaths, and table holiday centerpieces.