The drama program at Waterford High School has undergone a transformation. Previously known as WATERFORDrama, the new Roundtable Theatre has...
On November 5, 2024, the United States held its presidential election for the 47th President of the United States. Over the course of this election,...
During the holiday season, people try to find the best way to give gifts to their loved ones while not spending too much money. Burr baskets...
Snowball fights, sledding, snowmen, all things that make the winter holiday season feel special. However, the past few years snow has been few...
Going to the nail salon for a manicure gets pricey. Many Waterford students have begun to manicure their own nails. This gives individuals a...
“I’m incredibly proud to be the principal of Waterford High School,” Kirk Samuelson says. On March 1st, 2016, Samuelson became an assistant...
Madame Shea is Waterford High School's French teacher. She teaches French from French 1 to AP French 5. Shea decided to teach French to...
Right after Thanksgiving, most people are ready to get in the Christmas spirit. Whether you put your decorations up the day after Thanksgiving...
Do you have days where you might say, “I can’t do the work assigned” or when you can’t find the motivation to pay attention in class?...
As the Christmas season rolls around, the town of Waterford is kicking off the holidays as they prepare to host a series of Christmas events...
With basketball season starting, basketball players' new sneakers will soon be on the court. Support, cushion, traction, and breathability...
When the winter seasons come to New England, Connecticut is one of the top places to have dates and hangouts for ice skating, sledding. RoseGarden...
Fall is here, and so are the delicious dishes and drinks that come along with it. Everyone is rushing to their favorite retailers for their favorite...
As the leaves turn orange and fall off the trees, the weather will soon get colder with more breeze. October 31st is just around the corner as...