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Home of Waterford High School News

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Home of Waterford High School News

The Lancelot

Is Technology Helping or Hurting Students?

Is Technology Helping or Hurting Students?

Olivia Billis, Reporter October 31, 2016

Over the past several years, technology has been incorporated into high school education to the extent that it is depended on. Some see the technology-based learning as a welcome change, while others feel...

Mr Giard addresses Ms. Thibeau's Journalism I and II students' questions.

WPS Welcomes Mr. Giard as Superintendent

Rachel Dondero, Reporter November 3, 2015

In September, Waterford Public Schools welcomed new superintendent Mr. Thomas W. Giard III. Mr. Giard, a Connecticut native, has worked as a teacher, assistant principal, principal, and assistant superintendent...

Students Settle Into The New Building

Lauren Kang, Reporter April 16, 2013

Spring break has ended and with the move into the new building, many adjustments have been made such as finding and getting used to new classrooms and new routes to classes, and how to use the new technology. Change...

Google Docs Provides More Options

Google Docs Provides More Options

Melissa Close, Reporter April 16, 2013

Over the past year, school systems all over Connecticut have been increasing the amount of technology their curriculums incorporates in an attempt to meet the rising expectations of the Connecticut State...

Increased Infatuation with Smartphones Poses Student Distractions

Increased Infatuation with Smartphones Poses Student Distractions

Weston Long, Reporter April 10, 2013

It's a scene that every student has seen at least once in their high school career. A student is slouching in their desk, head down, hands in their lap. Occasionally they smirk and soon their thumbs start...

School Start Delayed by Tropical Storm Irene

Shelby Huntington, Reporter November 1, 2011

  Through power losses that lasted days, technology withdrawals, and destruction all around, Waterford took a hard hit from Tropical Storm Irene. Residents discovered how much they rely...

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