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Home of Waterford High School News

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Home of Waterford High School News

The Lancelot

Countdown to Graduation Is Under 20 School Days

Countdown to Graduation Is Under 20 School Days

Alice Hanson, Reporter May 23, 2016

All students are counting down the days left in school, whether we be in third or tenth grade. However, for seniors, the counting down of these days are for an adventure outside of their hometown’s...

Advice to Consider When Choosing a College

Advice to Consider When Choosing a College

Melissa Close, Reporter April 25, 2014

For many colleges and universities, both in-state and out-of-state, the deadline to submit your decision is May 1st.  With this deadline looming right on the horizon, seniors are scrambling to finalize...

To Gap Year or Not to Gap Year?

Hannah Swanson and Elaina Sullivan February 6, 2014

Taking a gap year may seem like a foreign idea to the average student with dreams of heading off to college as soon as they receive their diploma. Taking a gap year may not be for everyone, but for some...

Tips on Hunting and Paying for College

Tips on Hunting and Paying for College

Adam Darling, Reporter January 6, 2014

It’s that of year again: The holidays are over and midterms are imminent. For the seniors, who have sent in their applications, now is when they start hearing back from the colleges and universities...

OPINION: Junior's Look at Vassar

OPINION: Junior’s Look at Vassar

Naty Bush, Reporter November 26, 2013

After a year of visiting several colleges, I thought I came to a final decision that Bowdoin would be my top choice to attend. I heard several mentions of Vassar being an excellent school as well, but...

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