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Home of Waterford High School News

The Lancelot

Home of Waterford High School News

The Lancelot

How can students deal with academic stress at Waterford High?

How can students deal with academic stress at Waterford High?

Musharraf Atik, Writer April 26, 2023

Last year a survey from 54 students conducted by The Lancelot reported that 78.9% students felt that there was not enough being done to support student's mental health. With mental health awareness month...

How Isolation is Impacting Mental Health

How Isolation is Impacting Mental Health

Paige Ferreira, Reporter April 20, 2020

With the sudden lockdown from COVID-19, everyone is forced to stay home. This can be quite frustrating, not being able to leave the house or see friends. Those with mental health problems may have an even...

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