Waterford High School (WHS) and New London High School (NLHS) have been partnering with the Hygenic Art Gallery in New London annually since 2008 to feature student artwork. Students from these schools can submit recent artwork from classes or personal projects.
The opening night for the Whalers Lancers Annual Art Exhibit was January 4th, but the gallery is still up and running through Sunday, January 19th.
Gretchen Lally, an art teacher at WHS believes that art galleries are important for people to go to: “It’s a great way for people to experience another person’s point of view because artwork tells a story from the artists perspective”
Lally also commented, “When we think of art in a gallery we think of adults who have been doing it for years, but when we see what students are creating, it’s a fantastic experience to open your eyes to the capabilities of teenagers.”
Additionally, some of the student’s work in the show is up for purchase, with the prices set by the students themselves and the money going directly to them.
There is still time to check out the products of the hard work and skill from countless students in our very own school. Be sure to check it out!