Last year a survey from 54 students conducted by The Lancelot reported that 78.9% students felt that there was not enough being done to support student’s mental health. With mental health awareness month coming up in May, students this year may find it particularly helpful to hear from fellow classmates, as well as getting an understanding of what the school is currently providing for mental health services.
“When I’m stressed, I attempt to get my mind off of what’s stressing me. Most times I’ll find a way to ease whatever I’m worrying about,” WHS senior Michael Skipper commented. He went on to emphasize the importance of finding something to take your mind off of when not in school as well as interacting with those in school to create a healthy balance within life.
“It’s really easy to get lost in the big picture of things, so I try to focus on the little things like what I’m going to be doing today instead of what I’m going to be doing tomorrow,” said Edward Salvati, another senior at WHS.
Additionally, for those struggling academically, WHS offers many different tutoring resources. Tutoring occurs after school on Tuesdays and Wednesdays in the library computer lab after school. Students can get help with homework, assignments, exams, essays, and even some organizational strategies. To get involved with peer tutoring, students should send an email to Mrs. Baumgartner with their name, class, and level. It is important to also include their areas of focus.

One of the many concerns and stress factors underclassmen may go through next year is the navigation process of where their academic career is headed. It’s easy to get lost in the many different pathways and choices that lie ahead in a student’s vision for the future, so a clear and concise way to find out how Waterford High can help you class-wise is necessary. Luckily, for those underclassmen who really want to get a broader look into what academics Waterford High provides, the six areas of career pathways are provided in the school counseling section of the school’s web page.
“This designated spot for different pathways and classes is something I honestly forgot about,” WHS Senior Eddie Salvati commented. He also mentioned that it may be helpful for students like him to refresh themselves on their understanding of WHS classes as well. All of this can be found on the school’s counseling webpage.
Waterford High School has four different guidance counselors: Mr. Adler, Mrs. Guillemette, Mrs. LLoyd, and Mrs. White. On top of having Ms. Dulin and Mrs. Wood, our two social workers, we also have two psychologists: Ms. Tobin and Mrs. Marceau. WHS also has Effective School Solutions (ESS) counselors that are available for more intensive mental health needs. ESS is a partner of many different school districts with the main focus of helping create an inclusive environment in schools both culturally and emotionally. They also focus to address trauma and strengthen the care of students within their home district. UCFS (United Community & Family Services) is a program that aims to help those in need within southeastern Connecticut. Both medical and counseling services of UCFS are housed at Waterford High School.
Whether a student’s stress is academic or social in nature, Waterford High School has resources to help. Check out the guidance suite, where there are bulletin boards and pamphlets with information regarding coping strategies!