Spirit Week Preview

Senior Andy Lowney cheers on classmate Evan Spohn during last year’s Tug of War battle between juniors and seniors. Who will be victorious this year?


This Monday kicks off Spirit Week. The week, through Saturday, October 1st, will packed with many activities..

Monday: To start off the week the Lancers have pajama day. Wear your favorite PJ’s to school and ease into great Monday.

Tuesday: Holi-day will be represented by: freshman have St. Patrick’s Day, sophomores have Valentine’s Day, juniors have July 4th and seniors have New Year’s Eve.

Senior Spencer Hoagland gives classmate Naomi Jones and others instructions for the second half of last year’s Powderpuff game.

Wednesday: It’s Color Wars. This year, freshman will wear white. The sophomores, juniors, and seniors will go the traditional route wearing black, red, and Lancer Blue, respectively.

During the extended advisory block, class will compete in jousting and tug of war in the field house. In the evening, the senior girls will take on the junior girls in the annual Powerpuff game at 6 pm at Alumni Field. 

Thursday: Dynamic Duo/Great Groups take center stage . Batman and Robin, Mickey and Minnie, and Mean Girls are a few examples of costumes from past years. Voting for the best group will be in the  auditorium during advisory. 

Senior Carlos “Skipper” Tila shows off his costume during last’s year’s Dynamic Duo/Great Group Day.

Friday: Lancer Nation Day ends the school week. Wear your Lancer Nation shirt and tons of Lancer Blue. During B5, students will celebrate with a pep rally and watch team competitions. The cheerleaders and football players will participate in a pie eating contest, boys’ soccer will play girls’ soccer and field hockey will play volleyball in a dodgeball competition. That night, head out to the Fitch High School in Groton where the football team will take on the Falcons for the homecoming game. Kickoff is at 6 pm.

Saturday: Homecoming will be from 7 pm to 10 pm in the Old Gym. It is a semi-formal dance with the theme “Something From a Movie.” Buy your tickets for $15 during any lunch wave next week because tickets will not be sold at the door.

If you would like to bring a friend from a different school, pick up a permission slip in the main office and make sure to turn the completed form into the office as soon as possible. Also, do not forget to vote! Visit Mrs. Prpich’s teacher page and click the link to vote for three boys and three girls from your grade for Homecoming Court. Make sure you are logged into your school email when voting.