Juniors Looking Forward to College Plans

Emily Pyka

As the school year comes to a close, the junior class is quickly realizing college is just around the corner. The stress of applications, deadlines, and financial aid will soon be on everyone’s mind. As some students are diligently planning their college applications and visits, others are feeling less prepared for the upcoming year.

Cierra Reyes, a junior, is confident about her future plans: “I basically have it all planned out. For two years I’ll go to Three Rivers and take general classes, then apply to my college of choice. New Haven is my dream school.”

Some students have clear goals for college and a major have already picked out their top choice. Others have less of an idea about what they want to do.

James Keth, a junior, fortunately has focus about his college years: “I’m thinking of going in as an art major, because I know it’s one of my passions and I want to do something I love for the rest of my  life.”

The majority of juniors are excited about their college years and the upcoming opportunities that will be available. However, there is still anxiety involved around the application process.

Another junior, Megan O’Connor, expresses concern over the possibility of rejection: “I really want to go to Uconn because my mom works there, so tuition would be free. I’m just worried I won’t get in.”

The junior class is currently feeling a mix of emotions. The excitement for leaving home and following one’s passions often overshadows the inevitable anxiety and stress of college.