An a cappella club was recently started by seniors in the Chamber Choir. The seniors held auditions to see who could match pitch, sing a scale and perform a warm-up of their choice.
The group just held its first practice and picked “Price Tag” by Jesse Jay as the first song the group will learn. The group does not have any performances scheduled yet, however, its members are looking forward to performing.
Senior Danielle Andrelli said, “We have a lot of really talented people. We are looking forward to incorporating all of the new talent we have discovered in the school. It’s a nice break from the classical chorus music we usually do.”
Mr. Fioravanti is the adviser of the club, but the group is mostly student-led. Senior Ray Jackson and taken charge and found the music for the group and is the conductor. A cappella singing is done without any instrument accompaniment.
Despite popular belief, the club was not started because of the a cappella movie that recently came out called Pitch Perfect.
Senior Taylor Bernardo said, “I am really glad I joined a cappella club. A lot of people think that it was started because of Pitch Perfect, but we’ve actually wanted one for awhile.”