Survey on Extended Advisory

December 7, 2021
While the recent addition of extended advisories had good intentions of opening up conversations about controversial topics in the school system, the execution of these activities has left the student body split on whether or not they’re beneficial. In a survey, a quarter of students responded that their advisories did not participate in the activities and only 35% of students reported enjoying them. When asked about the frequency of the activities, 48% responded that the current two activities a month is ideal, 38% said they would like them less often, and 14% said more often. Below are student comments on the new program:
“I think an extended advisory but with more effective activities. I have spoken with Kevin Brooker and the intentions are to eventually be more proactive about spreading awareness about diversity and racial discrimination. I think both are essential topics for our school to work on so I don’t like the idea of removing the extended activities because they’re trying to build up to bigger discussions regarding these topics. However, I dislike my advisory which makes me less engaged with discussing with my advisor about these discussions because she is also not interested.”
“The current extended advisory is foolish and childish, if the school wishes to get students social and talking with each other this is not the way to do It. I’ve said it my entire highschool career that we are treated like children and this further proves my point. If the school wants young ADULTS to talk with each other in the advisory block they should not force conversation, we should have unscripted conversations on real world topics and trust me if enough students are talking every student in the class will join in on their opinion on the matter.”
“The extended advisory is a waste of time because not all advisories do it or they end up making fun of it when they are done. The extended advisory activities are very kiddish from two truths and a lie to be a superhero or sidekick. We are high school students, we should be having formal conversations about topics that we can relate too. Not playing stupid games.”
“I enjoyed the time to talk to others in my advisory. Most of the time everyone is off in different places with their teachers for advisory, so it’s nice to have everyone together. The activities are unnecessary and not really appropriate for highschoolers. But I do enjoy having the time with my advisory. extended advisory can have the intended effect without the planned activities.”