Atlantic Broadband Plants Roots in our Community

Tara Smith, Editor

On Saturday September 25, 2021 Atlantic Broadband came to WHS to give back to the community. They donated and planted three trees, two Red Bud trees and one Red Maple, on the school grounds located near the senior rock. Employees and representatives from Atlantic Broadband, a Cogeco company worked with members of the WHS Landscape/Garden Club, as part of Community Involvement Day for the company. 

Christine from Atlantic Broadband spoke to the company’s mission, “Employees live and work in these communities, they look forward to giving back.” Upon arrival there were various breakfast items laid out on tables from Dunkin Donuts coffee to bagels and donuts. Every volunteer received a shirt, tote bag, metal reusable water bottle, and mask branded with the motto “Planting Roots in our Communities.” When asked about how many more areas they were planting in, Christine said, “We are planting in seven states and 19 schools across the company’s footprint.” After the trees had successfully been planted in the ground, everyone was treated to a Panera catered lunch. The WHS landscape has been enhanced thanks to Atlantic Broadband and the roots they planted in our WHS and Waterford community.