It’s the spookiest time of the year
October’s month of eerie activities is kicked of by National Ghost Hunting Day.

October 1st is National Ghost Hunting Day.
October 1, 2016
The first day of October marks the beginning of a season of spookiness full of creepy creatures, witches, and jolly jack-o-lanterns. Today kicks off the month of creepy is also National Ghost Hunting Day. In the spirit of the upcoming, eerie October events and this little known one, students and a staff member explain their own paranormal and supernatural experiences.
To town residents, the superstitions and stereotypes of Seaside Sanatorium being haunted are common knowledge. Assistant principal Mr. Ryan worked at Seaside at one time. Mr. Ryan debunked all of the spine-chilling suspicions about Seaside, describing it as a vibrant place that did not include any ghostly visitors.
However, Mr. Ryan explained that he believes there is “something beyond the realm of basic physics”, that there is “something there.” He also went into depth describing this concept, explaining that his mother had visions and dreams that came true.
Sophomore Nevaeh McKinney explained that as she was moving into a new house, something wasn’t right. She stated, “I remember being introduced to the house and the lady was explaining how the previous owner was a man with some type of mental disorder. She was telling my mom and I how all of the door handles were broken and the doors wouldn’t shut because the man would shake them so hard [that] it messed up the whole door. I refused to go down there [the basement] without my mom. Every night, [I] could hear doors closing at random times.”
Similarly, sophomore Ana Wenc explains a constant and creepy closing of doors in her house, too. One of these instances occurred when Wenc was home alone with one other friend. She explained, “We were downstairs eating pizza and we heard doors slamming. It was just us home and it wouldn’t stop.”
If these chilling accounts do not convince you of the supernatural world, make sure to watch your back during this Halloween season. The next time you are walking down the hallways, remember you might not be alone.