Hygienic Art Show

Musharraf Atik, Writer

As has been commonly done for many years, the non-profit organization ‘Hygienic Art’ returns the “Hygienic Art Show” as a showcase of the community’s artwork. The opening night was on January 7th, which featured the combination of St. Bernard, New London, and Waterford High School coming together to provide hundreds of pieces of art. Waterford High School had a total of 213 pieces, leaving the gallery walls completely filled with student artwork from all three schools.

Contrasting from years prior due to restrictions from COVID-19, this year had a full turnout. “The reception was packed full of people,” Waterford High School art teacher Mrs. Bono commented. One of her favorite moments from the opening night was seeing the excitement on the students’ faces and being able to hear the discussions of adults admiring the impressive pieces that these high schoolers provided and showcased.

Interestingly, a few pieces in the art show were highly regarded, but unfortunately were not on sale by Waterford artists. In fact, some teachers were asked to see if they could convince the artists to sell. “It’s a great conversation to have with students to let them know their pieces [were] that desired,” Mrs. Bono added. Nights like these are incredibly exciting for artists around the community since they are able to talk and meet with other artists.

Waterford High art teacher, Mrs. Brown commented that the Hygienic Art Show was crucial for those to see the incredible work the students are creating, many of whom may find a path or career in various art fields. “Art is important. We live in a visual world.  Yet, many people are unaware of all the contributions artists have in it,” she says.

The Hygienic Art Show will be up until the 21st. Those who attend will be able to purchase a piece of original artwork and do what Mrs. Bono describes as “making the artists’ day just a little brighter.”