To be unique is not something Elvis Macrino fears, but rather embraces.
Elvis Macrino is a freshman at Waterford High School this year and his striking style stands out among peers.
Elvis can often be spotted with his friend group in the halls wearing anything from ultra-baggy jeans to bold jewelry choices. Macrino explains, “I’m very proud I’ve found my style this early on in life and that I’m being creative with it”
Macrino began getting attention for his style in eighth grade. He says, “As time has gone on, I’ve learned how I liked to dress and what brands I like to wear.”
“Yes, my pants have fallen down before.” Elvis explains. But, that has not stopped him from believing that “there’s no such thing as too baggy. People who say ‘baggy blindness’ are ignorant.”
Macrino shares, “One thing I love about Waterford High School is the people who are accepting.”
While many people are supportive of Elivis’s expression, others not so much: “Adults seem to love it or hate it, usually hate it. The clothes attract the kind of person I want to be friends with.”
Macrino finds some satisfaction receiving negative feedback regarding his style. He knows his confidence can intimate his peers.
“A few weeks ago at lunch I was standing in the lunch line near a table of football kids, and they were pointing and laughing at me. I enjoyed it. It showed how unintelligent they are. I love when people hate on my outfits.”
After high school, Elvis hopes to go to college at FIT to pursue his love for fashion. He says, “My dream job is to be a fashion designer because I want to be connected to that. I love watching fashion shows and seeing how small designers have grown over time. ”
Aside from fashion, there are many things that set Elvis apart from peers his age.
His father, Joseph Macrino, is principal at Oswegatchie Elementary School.
When asked about his father’s position, Elvis shares, “Sometimes it is limiting. The things I do reflect on him, but overall, I appreciate everything he does for [my family].”
Elvis does not use Spotify or Apple Music, but instead Soundcloud. “It’s like Spotify Premium but with two ads..I make music on Soundcloud at times and it’s just some experimental projects me and Stevie Zweir come up with.”
“Being yourself. I love that. You gotta be an individual” Macrino says.
Aimee Annibalini • Feb 21, 2025 at 3:36 pm
You’ve gotta love this kid!!! Way to go elvis!!