Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of Title IX

Kayla Kelly, Staff

This year marks the 50th anniversary of Title IX, the amendment that paved paths for future generations of young people to receive equal educational opportunities in academics, sports,  and extracurricular activities. Passed in 1972, Under the Nixon Administration, Title IX proclaims “No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.” 

In 1972, women only made up 17% of collegiate athletes and only 7% of professional athletes. Athletic Scholarships were dominated by men no matter their participation, while women were virtually nonexistent. Women’s sports programs were also underfunded and only made up 2% of the athletic budget. Student-athletes had to provide their own equipment and uniforms and configure their practice facilities themselves. Now, men’s and women’s sports teams must be provided with equal qualities of equipment, coaching staff, and practicing facilities. 

Schools have obligations under Title IX to stop sex discrimination, and actively prevent its reoccurrence. Sexual harassment and any forms of sexual violence considered harassment are seen as direct violations of the act. If a case is reported, the school must investigate with their Title xi coordinator and make accommodations for the victims to avoid their abuser. Any violations of the Act, when presented, must be investigated by a school to ensure discrimination is not taking place.